Friday, June 4, 2010

Organization of Spaces

The parti for the art gallery is formulated as below:

The interplay of light and shadow to create spaces of different brightness, each having their own distinctiveness and liveliness. Light participating as an actor generating positive energy within spaces, and inviting the joining of thoughts.

The organization of space is very much influenced by the movement of light. Light not only determines the spaces, but also lead us through, and inspires us by illuminating the mind.

Therefore, I created a long walkway in the middle. It is supposed to cut through the model as the light cuts through from the rear to the front. It is a journey to be undertaken by passing through series of spaces with different light intensity.

I thought of spaces with direct bright light, light that shines and makes things alive. I also thought of spaces with diffused light, light that is manipulated and molded into an animated space. Lastly, there is also space that would be totally dark with minimum light penetration. Natural light would be brilliant if it could be reflected and refracted to create brilliant rays, but with artificial lights as the main light source.

So, that is how I thought the spaces should be in the art galley.

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