Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The course has been an enriching experience altogether. I have learnt a lot from the past 3 projects and have gained more insight into the other approaches that I can take in designing spaces.

A design site with a real site has its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs). If properly analysed and thought over, the challenges could be exchanged into good design strategies instead.

Time management was a crucial aspect in the last project. There were much to do within very little time. There were readings to be done too in accordance to my narrative. I was much aware of the fact that my narrative that emphasizes human being meant a large phase that needs to be covered.

Nevertheless, things are learnt in the design process and also in the thinking process. Efforts and money invested in Design Studio will surely not come to waste, at least. I am now more committed into understanding more about architecture and learning from my seniors, my coursemates, and my juniors to extend my level of awareness and my degree of knowledge.

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